St. George Jacobite Syrian Church, Birmingham, perceives its strength and Unity in His Holiness the Patriarch, the supreme head of the Church. As the Sucessor of the St.Peter, His Holiness is the embodiment and symbol of unity of the universal Syrian Orthodox Church. This embodiment signifies two type of representative characters. Firstly, as the successor of St.Peter, the Patriarch represent him. As St.Peter is the chief shepherd and supreme head, the Patriarch by virtue of his position upholds the unity of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church.
St George Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church, Birmingham belongs to the Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church, an integral part of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church with the Patriarch of Antioch, His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II as its supreme head.
The spiritual head of the Syrian Christians church in Malankara is the Catholicose of India, His Beatitude Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I.
Spiritual matters of our Church are governed by the diocesan Metropolitan His Grace Issac Mor Osthatheos, The Patriarchal Vicar of Malankara Churches In United Kingdom.